Saturday, July 19, 2014

Thoughts become Reality

Haha, so GET THIS...

So my YouTube videos are not quite going as planned... BUT they are going.

Without really posting anything new in the last few weeks, I'm getting MORE traffic in the last few weeks... And what's better. This last guy actually EMAILED me looking for the training video (which has yet to be produced).

Why am I sharing this?

Because it feels good.

I remember a time where I was just learning about "Testing" things in business. Specifically from Mr. Tim Ferriss. I don't remember WHAT exactly he was teaching me, but I remembered that I could test an idea before having the whole thing 100% fleshed out.

Why create a training video around a concept that I didn't even know - whether it worked or not!?

But now that I know it DOES work. Honestly, the one I create will have a million times more value.

- Bret

1 comment:

  1. Wow... I'm realizing how this blog is going to become an amazing sounding board for me... For instance, that blog post is SO an email to my list introducing the training that I'll be sharing...
