Friday, July 25, 2014

My Anchor for EXTREME Idea Generation...

Thinkrium is...


  1. Very cool software. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe you can even incorporate several layers/rotation/images (like your logos) for a very dense presentation.

    I like where you're going with this, you're building on that snowball effect I keep envisioning. Constant progression builds potential and kinetic energy, almost like those quarter machines in the arcade. The quarters are leaning sooooo far over the edge, it may only take one more coin to start the chain reaction!

    PS Mark Joiner is an excellent resource and motivator. It would be cool to soak up more of his knowledge.

    1. Haha - amazing analogy. Although, the real skill of that game (if you ignore the fact its infinitely rigged) is finding the perfect place to place your quarter(s) - understanding the return for your effort.

    2. That's what my next post is all about... watch out.
