Saturday, July 19, 2014

Managing Creative Abundance - Raw Footage


  1. If you actually want to watch it... shows up better on dropbox:

    1. First one I'm going to cut into 2 videos and only use up to about 8mins

      Its going to be a 3 part mini 'Course' for my subscribers.

    2. The end I inform them that the bonus is learning about how I'm making money online and how they COULD use their new skills to prioritize THAT information ;-)

  2. Very cool dude and entertaining. I completely agree with you about simpleology turning into a huge archive of thoughts that don't have action/motivation linked to them. You touched on so many items, I want to give a proper response. Until then, awesome work and....PS you made thinkrium sound like an online Mecca, i would be surprised if you dont get questions from subs asking to join!

  3. Managing Creative Abundance - Response 2.0
    First off, Notepad++ Rocks, I use it all the time.

    Archiving Ideas and tracking is the root of the Thoughts are Like Sunrays post. As you said in your first video- "The action of writing idea down free's you're mind to have other thoughts." I agree completely, to the point that I found myself wanting to free myself from those thoughts quickly so that I can focus on the real matter at hand. I'll give one quick example, you even mentioned one in your video:

    Mileage tracking - Something that is useful and takes minimal effort to track.
    Weight Tracking, Calorie intake, Oz of water drank - These are a few other trackers I'm working on to maintain a view of health elements.

    Those are elements that don't need to take up any more mental strength than necessary but in the aggragate can drastically affect decisions.

    ICloud - Cool, Similar to Evernote: Sync between Phone/Computer/Tablet (from what I can see) This will probably take the place of "Note Everything" for me at this point. I'm going to experiment this week.

    Creative abundance image example, is very accurate Haha.

    Localization is key as well. I believe that having the tool for the job right there at the place where the work gets done is key. If feel that ideas are not the frame but the material the frame of the structure is made of. Having the materials on-site when it's time to get work done is the only way to go effectively. You can't build something on thoughts alone, but without the mental image there is no direction.

    Kanban: Very cool thoughts, I saw that simpleology pushed to make this the backbone to their "Projects" system. I did some research about Kanban's when I realized that's what they had pushed for. I haven't found myself slipping into it right away *organizing with new tools takes time*. It does seem very powerful and will probably find its way into my processes. Personal Kanban, I would imagine helps to put life into perspective in terms of how a Kanban board can help organize those areas that may need focus?

    Udemy: 13x4 - Very Cool, I want to check this out. I added the Ben Franklin virtues to my personal trackers a while back. "what get's measured, gets managed" - Peter Drucker

    All very cool stuff, it has inspired me, and for that good sir, I salute you!

    1. Haha - thx so much man! I realized from your response that maybe I could dive into Personal Kandan more - honestly I could do a whole video on that.

      But for me that 2 highest benefits of a kanban are:

      #1 Creating a process flow or a workflow - it literally gets you addicted to completing stuff because you want to see (and experience for physical boards) stuff move from "Ready/Backlog" to "Done" - it just FEELS good - its all about the endorphins ;-) And its habitual - if it goes in your "Doing" spot its GOING to get done; no more mammoth TODO lists ->They are extinct.

      #2 Limited WIP (Work in Progress); This is seriously SO critical for me because I personally always try to do too much. This is basically the rule that says you aren't allowed to do that any more. So for any particular Kanban - max you would ever want to have in progress is 3; and when you really make it a habit you'll often just have one - for those calendar Kandans I allow 1 thing in each state ONLY - for my physical Kanbans at each office - I limit my DOING to 3

    2. PS - Thinkrium... LIVES! FFAP
