Friday, July 25, 2014

Google Voice Hacking

Google Voice hacking

Google voice is a unique system offering many great phone features and that's why it must be hacked.  The other day I published a post talking about thought capturing, Thoughts Are Like Rays of Sunshine, and I hinted at a few ideas I was playing with.  I have used Google Voice service off and on over the past few years, but it was never a function of my daily life, until I started this experiment, here is "the situation":

1) Voice recorder
2) after pushing a button starts recording immediately
3) upon conclusion transcribes message
4) Syncs/Emails Audio Recording/Transcription to main workstation/phone etc
5+) And can the mic be Bluetooth, Waterproof, and on my wrist?

1) Google Voice (Set to "Do Not Disturb" - No ring, straight to voicemail, Voicemail greeting < 1sec, message forwarding on)
2) Speed dial Google Voice (Phone cannot be linked to your Google Voice account apparently)
3) Record your message
4) Message in your inbox/voicebox/phone with transcription

Easy enough!  Well, this works well in theory, the transcription software used by Google is still weak, either that or I speak as clearly as a 2 year old with a mouth full of Teddy Grams.  But it does show that the process may work better later.  Ultimately an App on your smart phone that would let you operate the same way would be excellent... Wait, there is?  Yes EverNote and OneNote both offer voice recording notes or transcription, but not both.  So where does that leave us?


  1. Ok this is the second awesome post of yours in a row... I'm releasing the privacy gates... we are now a public blog - Keep thinking friend.

  2. Haha - wow. Thinkrium sent me on a wild Tangent Fest today. More to come soon.

  3. In terms of voice transcripts and synced data:
