Friday, August 29, 2014

Scripting, Automation, Affiliate programs...oh my!

With the freedom of time generated by my work, I have been seeing a rise in the creativity department!   I feel very blessed.  This week has been an exciting change of pace in my world, here's why!

I mentioned in a prior post Excel is a Gold Mine about my success with with large pools of data and scripting.  Scripting is a tool that any computer based business needs to have access to, whether home brewed or contracted!  Scripting, Python scripting that is, has been slowly edging its way into my heart over the past few years.  It is fantastic for beginners and seasoned veterans out there!  This language is very natural to the English language and in my opinion very "close to thought".  What I mean is that the logic you think can be expressed in nearly the same language on the screen.  And on top of this, for the most part, it's fairly light weight on the system.  Scripting isn't a perfect solution but it does give the average Joe Entrepreneur a edge in today's market game.

When speaking on the topic of Automation I want to stir in your mind "website backbone scripting".  To my surprise, many Web Servers are running Apache, and use python scripts running many easy tasks on the server level.  PHP is also worth mentioning here along with the database powerhouse MySQL are key components.  With a vision for the power of data management and automation, there is a whole new world out there for the digital entrepreneur.  "How?", you ask?  I'm glad you did!  

Imagine for a minute an invisible-behind-the-scenes, website system.  That system takes words on a website, or search terms from a user, or content generated from news feeds and produces a 'content profile'.  Imagine linking that content profile within the e-commerce world.... and.... you know where I'm going with this don't you?  That's right, Affiliate programs!  

Affiliate programs, Adsense (google), etc. have so much info available online, I couldn't do them justice on these few lines, besides you have knowledge on the subject anyway.  I had read about these before and have had interest in them.  That interest faded slowly away due to many online gurus' claims flooding my search screen with: "send one email and make 10k in 24 hours" and "earn $1000 a day" golden ticket messages.  Needless to say my reality filter said "Too good to be true" and because of the overwhelming response from those gurus I moved elsewhere.  How could so many gurus be out there with the same one tick pony make such a killing and such thin margins?

Want to know the secret I found?  This won't be surprise for Internet Frontiersman--Bret Royster, in a world where in 2013 Amazon counted $67.86 billion in online sales, if you can position yourself in this wild west of the internet to assist in that system, you'll get paid!  Now the level in which you assist the buyer/seller is really the trick that proverbial pony is acting out.  Simple enough... Well my position about the gurus hasn't changed though; millions of folks online are claiming to make money automatically on the net, it's my belief that a small percentage are really making profits in the bank.  So where is the breaking point, why all this hype?

As Bret will tell you in his conquest of profits on the web, it's about finding that niche, that way to funnel traffic, that way to carefully identify untapped folds in the fabric of the net.  I'm preaching to the choir here so I will conclude with these remarks:

Find a pony and make some cashflow.

Easy right?  

I stumbled upon a pony which happened to be a byproduct of an experiment I have been working on.  I have shared this with several demographics and they laugh about how easy, fun, and magnetic this proposition really is... and you know what, I think I've found my pony.  And I believe I will soon be making those dollars online easily.  

I think I just said it's easy to make money online lol.  I discovered my pony by accident and she is still an infant.  Soon the trick will be perfected and we'll see if the crowd buys the ticket to watch!  Hint: The trick is to put what people desire in-front of them in a extremely simple manner... 

It's still early in the production, yet I wanted to share my excitement.  With a little Scripting, Automation, and the huge invitation of the large online retailers to help them sell in exchange for revenue is very promising.

How about you?  Have you found success with Affiliate marketing?  Or would you say the market is too saturated?  

Stay thoughtful!  FFAP! 

PS: It's time for another sharehold mastermind meeting!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

1000 Year Data Recovery Plan aka Backup!

Backing up that important data is a topic I have spent a small amount of time this week on.  Turns out there are 3 or 4 types of backup being advocated in today's day:
  • Cloud Backup
  • USB Hard-drive backup
  • Raid Backup
  • Disc Backup
While cost, time, effort, and critical redundancy are all factors that weigh in when deciding the best solution, it seems like a wide net approach is often recommended.  The proverbial (don't put all your eggs in one basket) comes to mind.
I have several gigs of data that I would consider worth saving in case of a data disaster, so I want to explore the levels of the system I believe offers protection.

Level 1: A mirror of your primary drives to another hard-drive, updated with modified/new files (daily basis).
Level 2: A mirror of the backup-drive in level 1 (weekly basis).
Level 3: Blu-Ray Disc image mirror, *M-Disc for 1000 year cold storage, with subsequent modified/new files written to new disc (monthly basis)
Level 4: Offsite storage, File server at a friend or family members house, that is used for the last layer of protection in a theft or fire situation (monthly basis)
Level 4 Alt:  Cloud storage of critical data on an enterprise level systems for easy access and piece of mind.

This system isn't a perfect system for backup as I'm sure there are worst case scenarios which would defeat each level.  This does give me some piece of mind though knowing that each layer is rooted in a "different basket".
I haven't embarked on the 50 Blu-Ray disc burn-athon yet.  I did make a copy of my archives to 40 Dvds in 2008 for the exact same cold storage, so it's not impossible!  Amazon just delivered the stack of 50 blank Blu-Ray discs, so I'm in the process of determining the best way to start that process.

Offsite storage is going to probably be the next key to the puzzle, with high-speed internet in most corners of the country, safe replication could be as easy as local backups!

What about you?  Do you have a data recovery plan in action?  Are you using any of the levels I mentioned here, or are you using a system not shown here?

Stay thoughtful! 


Thursday, August 7, 2014

Dashboards for the High Performance Machines

Dashboards for the High Performance Machines

I want one!

Recently released a new function on their already awesome platform, Dashboard.  And if you haven't seen their blog series about the power of "The Dashboard", definitely check it out here: "The Complexity Gap"!  Simply put, it's about putting relevant info in front of you to help you move in the desired direction.   "Relevant info" is subjective.  Certainly information about the Sun Coronal Hole activity today would make for some awesome images on your dashboard, certainly not relevant to the average entrepreneur.  

A ship's engine control room contains hundreds of gauges critical to the propulsion of the ship, yet only a percentage of that information is relayed to the bridge and used for navigation.  You'll find a gauge listing the hours an engine has on its service life.  Though important, the number of hours is not as relevant as let's say....depth of water.  Depth of water may not be as relevant as speed of travel and so on.  All of those examples of tracked data represent important info, otherwise it wouldn't be tracked.  So it is all important and must be called on when the time is appropriate.  

As an entrepreneur I find there are so many bits of information competing for my attention, each with valid reason for attention.  Admittedly my RSS feed for lolcatz may not be relevant.  I guess in a way, the computer itself is a dashboard already.  I'm mainly paperless already, and with most information available online, it is pretty impressive to think about. Schedules, communication, financial, inventory, intellectual property, education, and so much more all at the finger tips.  We need less not more...

With all the information available, maybe the key is a smart filter:

  • A system that can pipe as much "important" data into a database. 
  • Of that important data, layers of priority should be automatically assigned.  Critical areas need higher priority. 
  • Since we humans can only process about 7 bits in memory at a time, I guess we need 7 or less key Critical components maximum as a CORE dashboard.  
  • From there the hierarchy would follow a logical path to least critical is additional layers.
  • The dashboard should be interactive to allow the user to dive into each area if necessary    

At the end of the day, I already have a functioning dashboard.  It works and helps me on a daily basis to keep this ship on course.  This desktop computer is the backbone of the operations.  I may have to jump from this site, or that site, this folder, or that file, but it is all in an organized chaos that works.  I am working on a new dashboard now and I'll save the details about it another day soon... Ok I'll share a small part of it:  If you want to get your creative juicing flowing, try to imagine how you can use this to evolve "the dashboard": Engine to power dashboards of tomorrow!

What about you?  Are you using a Kanban board to track tasks, projects, revenue generation?  Excel spreadsheets for databases?  Quickbooks? Google Drive? iCloud?  Etche a sketch?

Stay thoughtful! FAP

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Excel is a gold mine!

Excel is a gold mine!

If you've been living under a stone for the past 2 decades, you may have no idea what I'm talking about... This post is about the all powerful grid!  Not like the Tron "Grid", or Connect 4, or even the Battleship.  We're talking about that 17.2 billion empty cell blank-canvas per-sheet known as EXCEL.

Let me set the stage:

I have 245,000+ lines of strings containing a name, address, voter number, date of birth, and did I mention blanks?  I need to also mention that each line contains a different piece of that information, so this needs to be parsed to condense all necessary info to 1 string per person, rather than 5 or 7 or 8 or 9 lines per person. You may be asking yourself did he pull the state voter registration information off the internet?  Yes I pulled the voter registration information of the interwebs for an advertising campaign where we hope to target 65+ year olds who live in our 3 surrounding zip codes.  More on this later...

So what do you do when you have nearly a 1/4 mil lines of data that is valuable in a processed form?  Fire up Excel.  Now that you mention it, Excel has been inching its way into my work everyday for the past few years as metrics, calculations, and DATA management requirements.  I've used it to store, convert, and organize lists of all kinds. The program has permitted me to create simulations based on variables.  I'm even using the program to develop a Simpleology clone.  Excel has pretty much pushed me to my limits of understanding how to manipulate data within the grid space.

Now on the surface, I have reached a ceiling within my abilities within Excel, and it has me feeling anxious.  This feeling comes primarily from Visual Basic programming!  Now I have learned several languages (programming languages), yet I have not seemed to devote time to this powerful flavor.

SO, what about the story, you ask?  The end result: 9853 individuals were identified as 65+ years old, living within our 3 surrounding zip codes, and their last "active" address on file registered with the state!  Cost savings: $16,575 in consulting charges.  GOLD!

Excel finished the job without Visual Basic programming, but I did dip into Python for the parsing of the data.  Could Excel have done the whole task alone without 3rd party tools... yes, at least I believe it can.  But due to my time constraints, I called on the experience I had... Excel is a gold mine, and Python is my rail and cart system!

What about you?  Have you found limitations within Excel that require 3rd party support?  Do you have a tool that has saved you when working on automation/data mining?